GODBITE to grupa ze Szczecina, która właśnie wydała płytę i szczerze wierzy, że jest to kreacja unikatowa na polskim rynku.
GODBITE oscyluje wokół alternatywnego rocka / progresywnego metalu. Zagrali setki koncertów min. z Blindead, Antigama, Sabaton, Anima Damnata, Acid Drinkers, Tides From Nebula, czy Grave Digger.
Based in Szczecin (a Polish city safe from cultural significance or accurate weather reports), Godbite was initially formed by 5 high school kids blessed with more ideas than talent. Drummers, guitarists, and bass players have come and gone, always leaving the vocalist to decide whether to waste a half-decent band name or not.
Godbite self-produced their first demo in 2011, while their first live shows somewhow date back to 2009. With clearly a lot of time on their hands, the quintet entertained themselves by conjuring up ideas way bigger than the feeble bodies that would exercise them. Following a carefree stretch of naive tootling in dank basements and gigging the same club over and over again (and enjoying local popularity thanks to their unpredictable onstage antics, with inane props and/or nudity making up for what they lacked in skill), the band graduated to repeatedly losing their rehearsal spaces, members, and wits. But with endurance came riches.
With themselves as their only weakness, the group was now armed with more movie quotes and dream journals than you could shake a stick at. Late 2015 saw Godbite release their first album, a labour of love titled “The Aristocrats.” It was more than their ill-equipped brains could handle, leading to challenged friendships and loss of dianetic stability.
In 2019, the singer dabbled in Nouveau Shamanic so hard it caused another hiatus. Unable to take a hint, Godbite continues writing new music. “Mir” is their latest album.
Godbite is:
Arkadiusz Zieliński
Arkadiusz Szoplik
Arkadiusz Rykaczewski
Iwo Andrulaniec-Gustowski
Tomasz HoRacy Jurkiewicz
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/mir/1684910819
Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/album/291644617
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thmmYZBgWyI
GODBITE – TARRARE 52: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p68ABWJqxCI